Open your file with Preview Step 2: Make sure that the thumbnail sidebar is visible The second option is to find your PDF file of choice, right-click on it to open the file menu and select Open With followed by Preview. When you do this, a file selection box will pop up on your screen from where you can go into your directory of choice and select your PDF. The first option is to open the Preview app. Simply follow the steps outlined below and you should have a split PDF in no time! Step 1: Open your PDF file of choice The process might sound convoluted, but it is extremely straightforward. Preview lets you extract the pages in your PDF to make separate files.

No need to invest in third-party software such as Adobe Acrobat at all! Splitting PDFs on a Mac: Step By Step The Preview app comes with tons of features that allow you to make annotations, redact and even separate your pdf pages. If you own a MacBook or an iPad with the built-in Preview app, you don't need external software to manipulate your PDFs.